Composing the “Vague”-Shape Landscape

The composition approach shown in this lesson is best suited for subject matter that has lots of vague edges, such as leafless or wispy tree branches containing lots of detail that needs to be implied rather than rendered, or in situations in which thin elements such as individual tree trunks need to be placed separately rather than clustered into a mass. This approach will enable a strong composition as well as properly set up natural looking edges.

This lesson is really a Part 2 to the Composing the Five-shape Landscape lesson. Although you need not have completed the previous lesson in order to benefit from this one, it would be ideal to understand what’s covered in both.





In this lesson, I’ll show you step-by-step how to plan out your thumbnail sketch so you can reference a well edited design in order to create a strong block-in. I’ll then show and explain the progress steps to develop the rest of the painting in a way that allows your block-in to do most of the work for you, and better enables you to selectively choose which areas to define and which to leave implied.

This lesson is provided as a downloadable PDF with a lesson written by Barbara Jaenicke.

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